Healthy Recipe

Pecan Pie Bites

healthy recipe, healthy pecan pie, pecan pie bites,

Tomorrow is what I consider the start of the most wonderful time of the year.  I mean, I know technically that’s Christmas but my birthday is pretty much here, the leaves will start changing (then get blown off the trees two days later by a wind/rainstorm- I can set my watch to it), memories of trick or treating, apple picking and then the eatin’ holiday of Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  It is this time of year when I hunt down Thanksgiving dinner somewhere because I literally cannot wait just over two months for it.  I know, weirdo.

My family never really brought pecan pie to the Thanksgiving dinner table (if they’d brought this version, I’d have been ALL over it!) but when I had it more frequently as an adult, I was hooked.  That caramely squish of filling against the crunch of pecans.  Yes, please.  However, 550 calories for the typical pecan pie slice doesn’t always sit well on da hips…but these do.

Why did I show them to you head on?

Because if I showed them in their entirety, you probably would’ve ran.


Look, I know.  They look like prunes and prunes make us think of bathroom issues.  Or they look like shriveled, you knows.  But I’m making it my personal mission in life to turn at least ONE person who turned their noses up at dates to experience the same amazing tastes and flavors that dates bring to the party.  Seriously, if you like pecan pie, you will love these and they make perfect pre or post workout snacks.  They make you feel like you’re cheating but you’re not.

It’s so easy, it doesn’t even count as a recipe, really.

Pit a date.  Jam in two pecan halves.  Eat.

Sure, you could put all kinds of filler stuff in there to make bars or whatever but in the end, the two tastes you want are caramel (date) and pecan (well, pecan.)  So how’s that for a short ingredient list?  You want something more flashy?  Wrap one in half a piece of bacon, bake it on a rack at 375 degrees until the bacon is crispy and serve as appetizers like you’re fancy.  Or a hipster.  Or a fancy hipster.

You’re welcome. If you like this (barely) recipe, consider subscribing to the YouTube channel and click the bell to be notified when new videos go live or subscribe to the blog. Either way, I’d love to have you cook with me!

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Written By

I'm a long time cook/baker that makes food centric recipe videos to help the novice cook or welcome a seasoned cook that wants to focus on the food. I'm passionate about both Christmas and cooking. Once my baking gene gets activated in September, I want to bake all the things. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and come on into my kitchen!


  1. Okay for real, I need you to teach me how to make those kick-ass YouTube videos. Both of my daughters want to become YouTube stars and I need to vlog at some point to stay relevant.

    I’ll pay your gas money.

    1. Tell them to go to school, I barely get enough money to cover one recipe for the whole year’s “pay!” LOL

  2. 🙂 I’m one of the smush them up and add things to make bars (or balls). I’m going to make these right now! Thanks for showing me that simple and tasty can be even simpler! Thanks for sharing at Fiesta Friday! Have a great weekend.

  3. What an amazing recipe you bought to Fiesta Friday..this can be an awesome snack. My daughter loves dates and I would love to try yours. Happy Fiesta Friday

  4. No way! I never would have thought of that. How cool. I’ll have to try it. Pinning! 🙂 And I love that you said that leaves blow off the trees two days later. When I lived in the Northeast, it was exactly like that, and I realized that THAT’S why I didn’t love fall like everyone else seemed to. It was lovely, sure, but it lasted about 10 minutes and then it was winter. I live out west now, and I have to keep reminding myself that fall is a full-on SEASON here, so I actually can enjoy it. 🙂

    1. I hope you love them, they’re so good! I love the cooler temps (when we get them) and it just seems like the season is so short with the beautiful colors. 🙁

    1. Oh no! LOL You could always give ’em a try and see if you like the taste. More snack options so it could be a happy accident. 😉

  5. Love bite size treats like these yummy Pecan Pie bites! So fun, but still easy on the waistline! Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Hope to see you again this week. Have a great week ahead!

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